Deep in the slough of despond or is it procrastination?

Elizabeth GoddardUncategorized

Do you know that fear can totally paralyze you? That is where I am at this moment. I’m not sure if fear is the precise word, but as I attempt to write a synopsis for the proposal that I must send out since finaling in the Genesis Contest, I just freeze up. Suddenly I can’t stand to look at my own writing—it has turned into a painful experience, which makes me cringe at every word. No matter that I finaled in a contest—my writing stinks!

All of the distractions that are at my disposal amazing me. Blogging for one. IMing other writers, email, skimming the forums, reading other blogs, and the list goes on and on. Sometimes it gets to the point where I actually do laundry and clean house as a form of procastination.

Why do we writers continue down the road of insecurity, always berating ourselves for our horrid creativity? I don’t know the answer to this, and I often wonder if we closely examine other aspects of our lives will we see these same fears and insecurities.

Fear is an ugly word and I’ve heard it said that it is the opposite side of the same coin—Faith residing on the other side. So, if I can only flip this heavy coin then I can walk in faith and heed my own words in a previous post to do this for Him, as worship. There’s certainly nothing to fear there. Or perhaps try a different tactic. Worship Him, and then the coin will flip and I will find myself walking in His Kingdom, in faith.