Spotlight on Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy

Elizabeth GoddardUncategorized

Today begins the first day of the blog tour aimed at promoting science fiction and fantasy (henceforth called SFF) within the CBA–SFF written for and by Christians. Walk into any Barnes and Nobles and you’ll see that by far the biggest section belongs to SFF–in the secular world. In Christian bookstores, it’s a different “story.” There are many theories about why this is the case, but the bottom line is that a large number of Christians love SFF and we want this genre to be available to us. We want to read something with a Christian worldview whether the message is blatant or subtle. Add to that, the hordes of non-Christians that can be reached by such a book. (for more thoughts on the importance of fantasy, read my earlier post: Fantasy: Shining the Light into Darkness with the sword of a ready writer)

But for this to happen we have to stir up awareness. Awareness for the genre. Awareness for our plight. Somehow we have to work to find a way to help SFF explode within the Christian marketplace, enabling it to find its place on the shelves among the many romances, historicals, and thrillers.

Help us. Go to your nearest Christian bookstore TODAY and ASK for a science fiction or a fantasy. A few authors you may ask for by name: Kathy Tyers, Karen Hancock, or Kathryn Mackel.

Tim Frankovich’s Christian Fiction Review is a site where you can find information about some of the Christian SFF offerings. While I have read most of the offerings he presents, there are a few I’m unfamiliar with and some that I love –he makes no reference to at all like Kathryn Mackel’s OUTRIDERS.

Others participating in the blog tour are:

Becky Miller’sA Christian Worldview of Fiction
Mirtika Schultz Mirathon
Cheryl Russel Unseen Worlds
Sally Apokedak All About Children’s Books
Shannon McNear Shannon’s Eclectic Musings
Stuart Vaughn The Jerkrenak Den

Now, if you will leave a comment to this post (and you’re not one of the bloggers on the tour LOL), some time this week you will be eligible to win a free copy of OUTIDERS!