I finally looked up from a few writing projects today and realized that Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Yikes! I had to spend the afternoon cleaning out my refrigerator to make room for all the holiday related stuff. Aren’t you glad I didn’t take pics and share them with you?
Oh that reminds me –if you go to my website, you can see images of the Oregon coast that I took, even a slideshow. Of course, you do need to have a high speed connection. (You can click on my website on the sidebar)
All that to say this is a quick post to let you know what’s coming so you’ll be sure to check back. I’m posting on Tricia Goyer’s blog tour this Friday and the week after Thanksgiving is CSFF’s blog tour for Stephen Lawhead and his new release, Scarlet. I’m supposed to have an interview, but no promises. Expect interviews with Terri Reed and Kathleen Morgan as well.
The last few weeks I’ve sent off two proposals and I’m working on polishing a third. It’s for a cozy mystery. I’ve never written in first person so I was pleased to discover how much I enjoyed that point of view.
Thanks for your patience with the quick update. I’ll attempt to post something interesting tomorrow!