Had a wonderful time with kiddoes yesterday. We have a yearly pass to the Caldwell Zoo but with the temperatures soaring here–it’s was ninety degrees this morning at nine o’clock!– we opted to visit the Brookshires Wildlife Museum yesterday. The animals were alive–at one time! But at least the building was air-conditioned. I had planned to post a few images here, but the website is in Flash so no can do. From their website, “the museum has over 450 animals on display from various regions of the world.”
The boys especially enjoyed the animals from Africa. In the sixties, Mr. and Mrs. Brookshires went on African safaris and brought back the animals to display at the museum. Also featured at the museum is a general store from the 1920’s–great for research if you’re a historical writer. I couldn’t help but notice that as much as things changed, they stayed the same too.
Then we went to the local Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone, then off to the local Christian bookstore–The Scroll–where my soon to be twelve year old son selected a new bible. He didn’t want to be seen with his kid adventure bible. While I spent time with the boys, my daughter has been at the AWAM (Arts With A Mission) camp this week. Today they travel to Dallas where they will perform and minister.
I’m trying to take my own advice and balance the writing life. After spending days working on a proposal–and I’m still not finished–I needed a serious break. Though I do plan to write this morning, this afternoon we’ll play dinosaur checkers and eat pizza!
Have a great weekend!