Are you wondering if I’m calling my friends aliens? No. . . not at all. I’d never do that!
Lyn Perry’s launching a new zine this month, Residential Aliens, featuring fiction, artwork, and an interview with Stephen Lawhead, which is a reprint of my interview with Mr. Lawhead from last September. You can read this new ezine at
That link will take you to my interview, but you can choose what to read from the side bar. Enjoy!
I’m in the midst of working up some proposals and lining up interviews with various authors. Writing aside, I’ve got to order home schooling books for my kiddoes and get all the spring cleaning (in the summer) done before schools starts.
No, I’m not going to the ACFW conference. I’ve gone every year since 2001 (except for when Andrew was born in 2003 because he was only six weeks old). Even though it’s been a financial strain on my family–I made it to the conference all these years to pitch to editors and to have the once a year meeting with my closest and dearest friends–my writing friends. I have too many friends to name, really, and it may be a mistake to list friends here, lest I forget someone. But I can’t stress how important writing friends are. So, for me, that is the most important part of attending a writing conference. I’m listing below the people whom I talk to on a regular basis, sometimes even daily.
Before I ever attended the conference I joined an ACFW critique group where I met two of my closest friends. Lisa Harris and Debbie Vogts. At my first conference I roomed with Lena Nelson Dooley. As a new writer, this was totally a God-thing, and Lena has been a mentor to me as I’m sure she has to many of you. Other friends I’ve met at the conferences, then continued my conversation online to grow very close are Shannon McNear and Ronie Kendig. I have many more writing friends out there, and you know who you are. Again, I’m only listing friends whom I speak with almost daily. I can never snub my nose at people who make friends online–I’m one of them! It’s amazing the things I have in common with these women–we’re full time mothers and writers and several of us home school as well. Oh, and I can’t forget that we’re Christians. With so much in common, we can’t help but be close.
So, if you’re going to the conference, I know you’ll be too busy to miss me–but I know you’ll have a wonderful time!