And those are the best kind, right? Had a great laid-back weekend. Spent four hours on Saturday delivering kiddoes to soccer games, coaching from the sidelines (though I’m only Mom, not the coach) and hours sitting in the blazing sun watching. I have the sunburn to prove it.
Our dog Dekker (yes, named after Ted and that’s another story) had a few adventures of his own. He’s one of the neediest creatures I know and quite possibly needs therapy! He can’t stand it when anyone leaves and if he manages to escape the house and jump in the car, good luck getting him out.
On the way home from soccer with one of my boys we were a half a mile from the house when we saw Dekker trotting down the road with a look of purpose. He was on a mission all right. He’d escaped the house and gone in search of the minivan. Of course, he passed us on his mission to find us. We stopped at the side of the road and once he realized it was us, raced back to the van. I think his many sucessful escape attempts lately have made him more gutsy when it comes to other things.
After a dinner of roast and potatoes and home made rolls which I labored over all day, I waited for my daughter to return with the few necessary items I needed to wrap and store the food. But when I looked at the table–the roast was mysteriously missing. I thought my husband had stored it away and the next thing you know, we are all searching for the missing roast. Almost as if scripted, together we turned our attention to Dekker who sat there licking his chomps
under a mop of a greasy, fury beard. Ew and sigh. He’s never done anything like that before and besides–that was a lot of roast. Can’t believe he finished it off.
On a good note, I had time to do something I enjoy. I made some crescent rolls. I love the smell of the yeast bread rising, and the aroma when it’s baking in the oven. You can see the before (on the left) and the after (on the right.)