First a warning. I’m revamping my blog over the next few days, so if you don’t see a link on the new blog where there was one. . .never fear, things will be put back. Eventually.
The SFF Blog tour is back beginning next Monday. We will be featuring fantasy writer Donita K. Paul. Dragonspell, Dragonquest, and the her new release, DragonKnight are part of the DragonKeeper Chronicles. All awesome books. I have the privilege of participating in a critique group with Ms. Paul and was honored to be able to read through DragonKnight as she wrote. Please join the fantasy tour group once again next week.
To take the discussion of evil and “darkness” down a different road–a path where light shines into the darkness and dispells it, I want to announce an event the Lord has led my husband to organize called Arise that will be taking place in Medford, Oregon on June 25th. It will be a day of prayer and unity across denominations and will include prophetic and performing arts, Indian Nations’ drum and dance teams, as well as Jason Upton.
Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of Jehovah has risen on you! For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples. But Jehovah shall rise on you, and His glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall walk to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawning. Lift up your eyes all around and see; they are all assembling; they are coming to you. Your sons shall come from far away, and your daughters shall be supported on the side.
LITV (The Literal Translation) Isaiah 60:1-4
The Mission:
Like “The Call(s),” Arise 2006, and if God for ordains a 2007, 2008, etc…, is a prayer assembly. Its purpose is to see – True reformation, revival, and revolution in the Rogue Valley born out of a spiritual shift, an open heaven. This can occur when we have altered the spiritual atmosphere and power structure through sustained prayer, worship, and fasting – by pouring out our extravagant love and devotion to Jesus Christ who is worthy of all praise and adoration we can see this manifest.
The people of the Rogue Valley have been praying intensely for revival–an awesome move of God– for the last thirteen years. Please join us in prayer that God will change hearts.