Thanks to all who visited the blog during the SFF tour. Remember to check back next month for more SFF author interviews and discussion on websites.
Brandilyn Collin’s Kanner Lake blog and website will be going live on July 5th. Remember I mentioned before that I had landed a character part on the Scenes and Beans Blog. I’m really looking forward to working with the brilliant writers in that group.
Also launching in July is a new blog devoted to history hosted by historical writers, Tricia Goyer, Joan Hochstetler, Cindy Thomson, Tiff Miller and myself. I’ll provide more information as it becomes available.
I mentioned in a post a few days ago the upcoming Arise event and would ask that you continue in prayer for what we’re hoping will be a forerunner to a revival in the region.
The young artist, Jason Upton, that will be performing in the evening, made comments during a radio interview that I believe can be applied to writing. I will make a feeble attempt to convey the essence of what he said, but you can listen to the interview here. Be patient because at first it won’t seem like there is an application for you, but I hope you’ll glean some insight and even a revelation of all that God has for you and your writing.
Jason hasn’t been popular in the Christian retail stores because he has never conformed to what has been deemed as music that would sell–the popular stuff that people want to buy. That has changed however. He has a special annointing-a prophetic calling upon him that sometimes doesn’t come across as feel good music. And we all want to feel good. But he has stayed true to the form that God has called him too. . .he can’t sing like the others, or conform to the popular because it wouldn’t be him. “It’s not about the form. . it’s about the message and the heart.” When he writes music it’s about the revelation first. . .And in fact, God has blessed him for staying true to what he knows. “Form invades and hijacks particular callings.” His schedule is full, traveling to concerts and changing lives.
I believe as writers we should also consider staying true to what God has called us to write. Many of us, me included, rush to and fro trying to discover what we can write that will catch an editor’s attention. . .after all, it’s all about becoming published. When we’re published, it’s all about becoming more published. . that next book. Isn’t it? And there are those who would say there is nothing wrong with that. Fundamentally, they would not be wrong. Except, when we venture out of what God has created us to do, I think that perhaps we just become more noise in a world filled with noise.I encourage you to listen to Jason’s interview, in case I’ve failed to make a sound point.
Be sure to check back tomorrow for what I’m calling a New Kind of Review of Kathryn Mackel’s the Hidden.