Oh yeah. You’re going to want to take part in our Spring scavenger hunt, April 4-6. If you don’t win the Kindle Fire HDX plus $100 in Kindle credit, you could win one of two prize packs including ALL OF THESE BOOKS!
To enter, you’ll start at Robin Lee Hatcher’s site that first weekend of April and follow the links to each of the other sites, gathering the clue on each one, and submitting the answer at the end. Easy peasey. (Don’t fret about the “how to’s” now–it will be obvious. There’s no reason to race through; you have all weekend.) PLUS, there will be additional prizes and mini-contests offered by some of the authors as you scavenge through!
Open internationally. If a reader outside the USA wins the Kindle and $100 credit, they will receive the equivalent in USD$.
So mark your calendars. This is one you won’t want to miss.