Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #25
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!
- The hunt BEGINS on 6/15 at noon MST with Stop #1 at
- Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
- There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 6/18 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
- Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Elizabeth Goddard and I write romantic suspense novels set in stunning locations and I love to add in non-stop action and adventure. You can learn more about me and my books here on my website as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Speaking of adventures, I couldn’t write a novel set in Alaska that featured a bush pilot without taking readers on a wild adventure.
Montana Detective Trevor West is desperate to learn what happened to his sister, who went missing in Alaska over a year ago, leaving nothing but a few photographs as clues to her whereabouts. At the advice of Police Chief Autumn Long, Trevor enlists the help of an experienced bush pilot. But Carrie has her own agenda. Grieving the death of her closest friend and the only person she could trust, Carrie will help Trevor find his sister on one condition–that he help her track down her friend’s killer. As the two close in on the answers they crave, they’ll face dangers and connections they could not have imagined.
Which means they’ll have to travel all over Southeast Alaska!
A bush pilot is someone who’s experienced and skilled in flying through harsh weather and landing on rough terrain, and, in Alaska, through the mountains. He or she must be capable of surviving in a brutal environment, repair the plane, etc. So a bush pilot is much more than someone who is simply able to land a plane in the grass instead of an airstrip. So . . .
A bush pilot is the ultimate survivor.
Bush Pilot Carrie James has spent ten years flying around Southeast Alaska where the only way around is either by boat or plane. She spends most of her time delivering supplies to the outlying villages and smaller communities throughout a region that includes a thousand islands. The Panhandle, as Southeast Alaska is sometimes called, is a lot different than mainland Alaska as can be seen in this photo. Carrie flies a float plane so she can land on water and pretty much every place will be near the water—whether a lake or a river, or the “Inside Passage” of waterways twisting through the beautiful fjords and around the islands. From the air she can see the mountains, the rainforest, the Juneau Icefields, waterfalls and watch whales. But mostly she lives for the Ah-Amazing sunrise and for God’s beautiful creation to take her breath away every day.
Here’s Your Critical Stop #25 Info:
If you’re interested, you can order Shadows at Dusk on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore!
Clue to Write Down: a lounge
Link to Stop #26, the Next Stop on the Loop: Amanda Cox’s!
Have fun!
Elizabeth Goddard!