August 16, 2009
CSFF Blog Tour for Robin Parrishs Offworld
Welcome to the CSFF Blog Tour for OffWorld.
I usually read the CSFF Blog Tour books as soon as I get them in the mail, putting everything else aside because I’m eager to get my head into another one. But this time I was so busy that I forgot. Something prompted my memory last Thursday which–in my world–isn’t enough time to read for the tour unless I drop EVERYTHING.
I began reading Offworld, and with home school starting this week, I also had a big project on my plate, but the pacing of the story had me reading fast. I’m not talking skimming or speed-reading either.
Normally, I’m a slow reader, absorbing and contemplating every sentence. In Offworld, I’m not exactly sure what happened other than I couldn’t take in the action and adventure fast enough.
The funny thing was that I took the book to church so I could read in the back pew all the way up to the moment when worship and prayer would start. He he. So, when the moment came for me to put it aside and pick up my Bible, I discovered my eyes were flying over the pages! I was actually reading the Bible in the fast pace that I’d been reading Offworld.
Needless to say, I finished Offworld quickly–probably faster than I’ve read any other book–All because of the pacing. I LOVED the action. My kind of story.
I’ll try to post a review and other comments on the other two days, but again, school starts this week, and I usually sink for a few days before I can come up for air.
Robin Parrish’s Website:
The other participants:
Jennifer Bogart Keanan Brand Grace Bridges Canadianladybug Melissa Carswell Valerie Comer Amy Cruson CSFF Blog Tour Stacey Dale D. G. D. Davidson Janey DeMeo Jeff Draper Emmalyn Edwards April Erwin Karina Fabian Beth Goddard Todd Michael Greene Heather R. Hunt Becky Jesse Cris Jesse Julie Carol Keen Krystine Kercher Dawn King Mike Lynch Melissa Meeks Rebecca LuElla Miller Mirtika Eve Nielsen Nissa John W. Otte Steve Rice Crista Richey James Somers Speculative Faith Stephanie Rachel Starr Thomson Steve Trower Fred Warren Elizabeth Williams