Welcome to day 2 of the blog tour for Vanish. If you haven’t read the book and don’t enjoy spoilers, then you shouldn’t read my post.
Now, where was I? Back to the alien invasion. What else could it be? I am so completely hooked on this book for the simple reason that I want to know what’s going on. While I enjoy suspense and ever-increasing tension, I don’t enjoy enveloping mist on a dark night, blocking visibility when hideous aliens—and they ARE hideous—whisper nearby. They’re always just on the edge of darkness, whispering, torturing the characters with vivid memories from their past. Must be an alien experiment.
When Conner’s seizure morphs into a heart attack and he fights for his life, waking up in the emergency room—I was stunned. But all the seizures, bright lights and pain of shocking defibrillation, makes sense. And that’s when it dawns on me what’s going on. I couldn’t have predicted this outcome. A dream maybe, but not lingering in a world between life and death, where demons—yes demons not aliens—labor to tug you into the abyss from which there’s no return.
Amazing. So now the book I wish I hadn’t started is one I highly recommend. In Vanish, I got everything I wanted in a novel–surprised with the unpredictable, and pulled into a story that blew my mind. That doesn’t happen very often.
Vanish: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1414318936
Tom Pawlik’s Web site – http://www.tompawlik.com/
Tom Pawlik’s blog – http://www.tompawlik.com/blog.htm
Valley of the Shadow: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1414326793