Hi everyone! I haven’t blogged in a while because life has become even more chaotic than I thought possible, and I’m even considering the possibility of discontinuing this blog, or at least rethinking how it’s done. But I had to jump on this month’s blog tour of MLP.
I’m probably the only one in all of the CSFF blog tour that hasn’t met Jeff Gerke. I’ve emailed with him, but I’ve never had the chance to meet him until the ACFW Conference this weekend. I’ve heard wonderful things about him, but I was still surprised at how friendly he is!
He knows how to listen.
I had planned to buy MLP books thus supporting this venture anyway, but after meeting him in person I’m even more jazzed about the whole thing. I sat in a couple of his workshops and wasn’t disappointed. I came away feeling encouraged about the future of this market. It seems appropriate that science fiction and fantasy should take a leading step into the future of book publishing with print on demand and ebooks, etc.
With Jeff at the helm of MLP, I know I’ll enjoy all the books he publishes. I wish I had thought to get a photo with him at the conference!
I have eagerly signed up for a chance to win prizes on launch day, but I would sign up regardless. Jeff has done a bang up job at promoting this and I believe it benefits all of us to join him to assure its success!
On a side note I thank Jeff for jumping in at the editor’s panel at the conference to offer an explanation of speculative fiction. I wonder why Jeff wasn’t on that panel? Fortunately, Dave Lambert of Howard came to Jeff’s aid and brought balance to the Force. Both Sharon Hinck and I (I was sitting next to her) released a sigh of relief.
Make sure to visit the other participants in the blog tour (and maybe add my name to the list)!
√ Margaret
Rachel Marks (not on the original list)
√ Nissa