WhereTheMapEnds.comis the one of the best sites offering tips to aspiring writers, informative interviews and insight into the mind of Jeff Gerke, a.k.a., Jefferson Scott. I apologize that I’m behind in getting this post out, though I’m certain with so many participants there is already plenty to read about one of our favorites–editor and author Jeff Gerke.
I’m subscribed to the newsletter. So I received some fascinating video footage–again as a subscriber to the WheretheMapEnds.com newsletter–called Venusian Beauties–sort of reminiscent of Flash Gordon. I ask you, Jeff Gerke, where is the Queen soundtrack? The music was everything in Flash Gordon!
Please dont’ forget to visit other pariticpants. There are some links I still need to correct, but for the sake of time, I’ve posted these and will make the corrections later.
Nissa Annakindt
Jim Black
Grace Bridges
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
Chris Deanne
Janey DeMeo
Tessa Edwards
April Erwin
Kameron M. Franklin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Todd Michael Greene
Leathel Grody
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
K. D. Kragen
Tina Kulesa
Kevin Lucia and The Bookshelf Reviews 2.0 – The Compendium
Rachel Marks
Shannon McNear
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Daniel I. Weaver
Timothy Wise