Shannon McNear had wonderful things to say about Donita in her post yesterday and I wanted to echo that. Last fall I had the privilege of being invited to Donita’s crit group by a dear friend–someone I’d only recently met at the ACFW conference–but there was an instant connection. For months I only read the works of others in the group, fearing I wasn’t ready to sub since I had only begun to write in the fantasy genre. Finally, I reworked my fantasy story, starting at a different place. It was Donita who confronted me with the unfortunate news that I had started my story in the wrong place. She gave me advice about where I should start, and thus, the next day I spent rewriting according to her suggestion. It was this rewritten beginning that I entered in the Genesis contest and that ended up becoming a finalist.
Donita hosts a website separate from the Dragon Keeper Chronicles site. You’ll find writing helps, information about a teen writing club, home schooling advice, you name it. On the Dragon Keeper site, you’ll see many links for young peoplet i.e. games and even an art gallery where they can see their dragon artwork displayed. The bottom line is that you’ll find much of Donita’s caring and loving personality within her novels.
I was amazed at how much Biblical wisdom I gleaned between the pages of her dragon stories. Some things, I had never even considered. That’s the beauty of being a talented Christian writer, and God’s gift. His inspiration flows from every word.
Donita–We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being faithful to His calling!!!
Again, I list the links for the other participants:
Sally Apokedak
Valerie Comer
Johne Cook
Janey DeMeo
Mary E. DeMuth
Rebecca Grabill
Leathel Grody
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Marcia Laycock
Shannon McNear
Matt Mikalatos
Becky Miller
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower