June 8, 2012
Friday Devotional: The Wedding Ring
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6
Wedding bands from the public domain |
Twenty-three years ago my husband asked me to marry him and slipped a beautiful and unique gold band featuring diamonds and emerald cut topaz on my finger. I’ve never seen another ring like it. Over the years, the ring would often draw attention because it wasn’t the usual fair of wedding rings. In that way, I’ve always believed my ring was a perfect representation of my marriage—exceptional and special—especially in light of our current culture.
Next week will mark a month since the day I lost my wedding ring. During a recital rehearsal at the local high school auditorium, the ring slipped off my finger into my lap. I knew when it happened, but I couldn’t find it in my lap so I stood. The ring should have fallen somewhere on the floor by my feet or, at the very least, rolled to rest somewhere in the auditorium, right? Not so. After bringing up the lights, the small crowd that had gathered for the rehearsal helped me to search for the ring. If I had known that my simple act of standing would lose the ring, I would have remained seated and kept looking that way.
I haven’t seen my wedding ring since that day three weeks ago. Of course, I cried and hated the thought of breaking the news to my husband. The ring was a symbol of our love and commitment—a symbol of something irreplaceable, and yet, how easily it was lost to me.
With or without my wedding ring, I still have a special marriage which I’ll cherish until the day I die, but the loss made me think about how we take things that are precious to us for granted. Our marriages. Our relationship with God. Our children. One seemingly inconsequential decision can change everything.
Scripture tells us that God will never leave or forsake us, and we take comfort in that. But we’re also admonished to seek Him while He can be found. To cherish our relationship with Him.
Let today be a day that you cherish your relationships and make time for those you love, never taking them for granted.