November 29, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving and . .
I know. I haven’t blogged in FOREVER! I haven’t written reviews or participated in tours. But hey, a person can’t do it all, and I have to focus on my own writing. Sometimes we have to let something go. I didn’t want that something to be my children. So between home schooling and working on proposals and books, blogging just took last place.
I do have some news and I can’t even remember if I blogged about that here. I sold a novella for anthology to Barbour and it comes out next fall–Christmas Homecoming is the name of the collection–O Christmas Tree, my story. The wonderful news is that it’s about a missionary coming home–I wrote the summary while my daughter was on her way back from South Africa. I’m excited to dedicate this story to her.
In addition, I signed the contract with Barbour for the first book in my mystery series, Portrait of a Murder, and the other two books should follow next year. Portrait of a Murder will release in November of 2009.
Seasons of Love will be repackaged along with A Matter of Trust (Lisa Harris) and Who Am I? (Lena Nelson Dooley) into Cranberry Hearts to be released in July 2009.
Maybe, slowly, I can start blogging again.