I’m so excited to have my good friend Lisa Harris on my blog today! Her latest book, Blood Ransom, released in April. Be sure to comment if you’d like to enter the drawing for a copy of her book. (U.S. and Canada residents only)
In the African republic of Dhambizao, Natalie Sinclair works with Dr. Chad Talcott to eradicate diseases that are claiming whole towns. Meanwhile, Joseph Komboli returns to his village to find rebels abducting his family. When Chad and Natalie help Joseph expose the modern-day slave trade, they’re courting disaster. Will they win their race against time?
Is this book part of a series? If so, what are the other titles in this series?
Blood Ransom is the first book in my Mission Hope Series. The second book, titled Blood Covenant is another fast-paced suspense set partially in a refugee camp and will be released next spring.
Are you a seat of the pants writer? Or a plotter?
I’m definitely a plotter. I begin by writing a basic plotline, then develop it into a chapter-by-chapter outline that I use as a basis for the story. I don’t always following it strictly, as storylines tend to have a mind of their own, but it still helps me make sure I’m going in the right direction.
What does your family think of your writing?
I’m blessed, because my family is very supportive of what I do. Life is busy and family comes first, yet they allow me the time I need to meet my deadlines.
When do you write?
There never seems to be enough time between home schooling and ministry responsibilities, but most days I am able to write in spurts during school breaks, lunch, after school, and after the kids go to bed. Somehow, it all eventually gets done.
When you have free time, what do you enjoy doing most?
We try to take a day off once a week and go to the Indian Ocean with the kids. I love walking along the beach, praying and clearing my head. It really energizes me for another week.
What is your favorite food?
Lately I’ve been really craving good-ole Tex Mex which is one of my favorite foods. I also have discovered Indian food and love experimenting with curry recipes.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I love to travel and have been blessed to have seen a lot of the world, but there are still a number of places I’d love to visit including Scotland, Ireland, and the coast of England for starters.
If you could be one of your characters, which one would you be?
I have to chuckle a bit at this question because, for instance, while I love the characters in Blood Ransom, I’m quite happy to live my life without live and death situations they faced.
Please visit me on my web or blog! www.lisaharriswrites.com or http://myblogintheheartofafrica.blogspot.com
To read the first chapter: http://lisaharrisfirstchapter.blogspot.com/
View the book trailer: