August 26, 2009
Lisa Harris Interview and Revenge, Ohio giveaway.

The only thing worse than being a spinster is being a twice-jilted spinster. At twenty-five, Catherine Morgan is hardly an old maid, but she’s given up on marriage and instead manages the family’s general store in the small town of Revenge, Ohio. Bound by a promise to care for her three sisters until they marry, she’ll do anything it takes to keep them safe. However, the town’s sheriff has evidence that may stand in the way of her sister’s happiness and her own. Revenge can be stronger than love. Will a vow for vengeance arrest Catherine’s third chance for love?

Lisa Harris writes award-winning Christian fiction and nonfiction from her home in Mozambique, Africa, where she and her family serve as missionaries. She has published more than a dozen books across multiple genres including romance, suspense, and mystery. 

And even more important than all her books and serving as a missionary–Lisa is one of my dearest friends. Ha! Seriously, I’ve known her since the beginning. When I joined ACFW (then ACRW) Lisa was one of my critique partners. We’ve been close friends since then, sharing prayer requests and personal struggles. It was at one of the ACFW conferences that Lisa and I brainstormed about doing a series together for Heartsong and voila, Cranberry Hearts was born. Hence, Lisa played an important role in ushering me into the elusive world of published authors. 

1. What do you consider the most important reason you serve in Mozambique?
I’m here, because I know without any doubt that God has called our family to work here. There are days when I wonder why I’m here or I’m certain that life is better or would be easier on the other side of the fence, but then I have to stop–because He’s called me.

2. And there’s no better place to be than in God’s will. Tell us about the struggles of the people in Mozambique.
 Life isn’t always easy here, and I’m reminded of it every time I walk down the street or drive through town. There is poverty, orphans, HIV/AIDs, malaria, as well as other sicknesses and a fairly low life expectancy. Another thing that strikes me is the spiritual darkness. . .and then the freedom and joy we see in those who are finding in Christ Jesus!
To learn more about this ministry, you can visit the website:

3. I hate to ask you what seems like the age-old question—but how do you juggle your work as a missionary, home school your children and manage the prolific writing? What would you say is the ONE thing that gets you through? 
That’s hard. Just tonight I was talking to my husband about how I simply don’t have the time to do everything I need to do. Home schooling is new for us, we’re just in our second year, and it takes up the majority of my time. Ministry and writing fill in the rest of the time, but it’s tough. I don’t always succeed, but I try to remind myself that my main ministry right now is my children and their well-being, both educationally and spiritually. And in the process I want to seek Him first, so that everything else will fall into place.

4. Let’s focus on your writing. What is the heart of your story Revenge?
While the theme of revenge is there, it’s also a book about second chances. Both my hero and heroine struggled over hurt feelings from the past, as well as pride, resentment, and unforgiveness. None of these are easy to overcome, but God is the God of second chances, and through His amazing love and grace, anything is possible. A second chance for forgiveness. . .a second chance for love.

5. Tell us about your upcoming release. 
BLOOD RANSOM is to be released next March and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s definitely the book of my heart as it’s allowed me to write suspense, with a thread of romance, AND set it in Africa. 
Here’s the blurb. Deep in the heart of Africa, two American lives are about to change forever. Natalie Sinclair and Dr. Chad Talcott want to make a difference in under-developed African villages … but they didn’t count on risking their lives in the process. Romance and adventure drive this powerful thriller about the modern-day slave trade and those who dare to challenge it.

6. I’ve known you long enough to know this has been a dream of yours—to write a story set in Africa. With this dream “fulfilled” what are you dreaming of next?
Since I’ve just started writing book two, I haven’t really stopped to look much further than hoping Zondervan allows me to expand this series. If I could continue writing International suspense, then that would keep me happy for a very long time!

Thanks so much for having me, Beth! And remember that I’ll give away a copy of Love Finds You in Revenge, Ohio! 

Lisa’s website:  

To enter the drawing for Lisa’s new book, you can post a comment. Make sure you leave your contact information.

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