March 13, 2008

A Woman’s Heart

Just got home from the new Bible study we started this week, Beth Moore’s A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place. It’s a study about the Tabernacle. One of the ladies came up to me after the study and mentioned I seemed much different today–that she’d been praying for me. The truth is I felt different. As writers we’re always working
March 12, 2008

CFBA: Sweet Caroline

I graduated from Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes!) with a degree in Journalism. As a member of Phi Mu sorority, I partied my way though the last few years of college. But, the truth is, and always will be, I belong to Jesus. At the age of six, I knelt at the altar of a Tulsa Methodist church and gave
March 5, 2008

What a way to plot a story!

Our story starts in the Father’s garden with the first Adam – a gardener; a woman, a tree, fruit, the accuser, temptation/betrayal, a fall, a curse of thorns; they are evicted and death follows. Gen3:17-18 God places Cherubim angels at the east of the garden to “keep theway”.Gen.3:24 The story continues with the last Adam going to a garden where
March 3, 2008

What Reviewers are Saying!

Well, some of the reviewers are finally sounding out about Seasons of Love! I’m thrilled. Here’s a few links:Janice Thompson’s Doubled Booked Blog has this to say: Seasons of Love is very well written. (Excellent, really, for a first-time author.) Kudos to Elizabeth for such a great first book. Lena Nelson Dooley’s Shoutlife Blog (you have to be a member
March 3, 2008

Local Writer’s meeting

Living in Southern Oregon I don’t have much opportunity to meet with other writers. In fact, when I first moved to Oregon three years ago, I knew of no other writers–at least within the ACFW organization. But things have changed. I’ve gotten to know the area and local writers, and ACFW membership has grown in Southern Oregon. The above picture
February 23, 2008

Taming a Wild Heart Blog Tour!

Welcoming to the Taming a Wild Heart Blog Tour! Who’s wild heart are we taming exactly? We’re Taming Rafe. That’s the title of Susan May Warren’s latest book in her Noble Legacy Series.I’ve always loved Susan’s writing and look forward to writing a review of her book soon. In the meantime, you can: Win a Steak Dinner with Rafe!!! Okay,
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