May 25, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike: When Someone Else Has the Same Idea

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Ten years ago when I first became serious about writing novels for publication, learning how to come up with ideas was the first order of business. I’d dreamed of being a writer all my life, but when I
May 24, 2012

Considering God’s Glorious Creation

  Lord, our Lord,  how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1 Today’s a beautiful spring day and you can feel a hint of summer in the air.  I’m sitting outside and  considering God’s glorious creation. The wind is whipping the trees around and, if I close my eyes, I can almost imagine I’m on a beach.
January 10, 2012

When You’re Not the Only One . . .

When You’re Not the Only One in Your Family with a Dreamby Gina Conroy I’ve been thinking a lot about my personal goals, my children’s dreams, and what I want my family to look like. Unfortunately, all three are often in conflict with one another at different times. I knew from a young age that I wanted to write, and
November 28, 2011

This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing Lost Melody Zondervan (October 25, 2011) by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Lori lives in the beautiful Ozarks with her husband Lance. Lance and Lori have three sons, three daughter-in-laws, and six wonderful grandchildren, and two great-granddaughters. Lance and Lori are very involved in their church, and active
November 4, 2011

Spotlight: Lynne Gentry and REINVENTING LEONA

I’m honored to welcome my friend Lynne Gentry, author of REINVENTING LEONA. I met Lynne at a conference several years ago through another close friend, Lisa Harris. But it wasn’t until about two years ago that I really got to know Lynne—she’s not only an incredible person, but she’s an awesome writer. Her voice is exceptional and when I feel
October 30, 2011

Common Characteristics of Creative Processes

Otherwise titled Baking Bread and Writing Novels I love baking artisan breads. That’s something you already know if you follow me on Facebook or have read a few of my blog interviews. Baking bread is a hobby I picked up early last spring. I found an article in Mother Earth News magazine that caught my attention. Other than using my
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