I’ve been remiss in posting. And it’s not because I was procrastinating. It’s because I am a procrastinator! I recently heard that procrastinators tend to overestimate the amount of time it takes to do something. In addition, they bite off more than they can chew, then become overwhelmed and ultimately paralyzed. I’ve been in the paralyzed mode. That, because I took time with my family over Memorial weekend and neglected the computer while emails continued to collect.
I think I’m caught up on those, but now I’ve got to catch up on other writing-related activities–you know, the ones that keep you from actually writing! LOL.
Be sure to check back for the upcoming SFF blog tour which will continue this month. I believe it begins on June 20th. We will be focusing on Donita K Paul’s new book DragonKnight. Also forthcoming will be interviews with Kathy Tyers and Kathryn Mackel–two of my favorites.
Okay, I’m going to focus on finishing my fantasy the next few weeks and I’ll keep you updated on my progress.