How do you juggle the writing life and family and home schooling?
People ask me and I’m still asking that question myself! How do I do it all? How can I make it happen?
As a multi-published author and home schooling mom, I was excited when I saw Tricia Goyer’s new book, Balanced (for short). I knew I had to get my hands on it and read it so I could find answers to my biggest question. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked how I do it all. Often the question comes in blog interviews and I dance around the answer.
Of course, you don’t have to be a home schooling mom, or even a writer, to need tips and suggestions. Goyer’s book is a timely, much-needed book offered by a woman whom I admire. When I see all that she accomplishes while raising her children, I wonder how she does it all.
In Balanced, she gives us a peek into her home life and her struggles, which as it turns out, are the same struggles we all go through as work-at-home moms. But more than that, she inspires and encourages readers to follow God’s dream and call for their lives and in doing so, to let a few things go.That might be laundry one day or extra-curricular activities another.
The truth is that at the end of the day, we can’t do it all. No one can. So we have to figure out what our priorities are and go with what’s at the top. For me, the biggest encouragement from Balanced was learning that I’m not alone in my struggle to balance my dreams with giving my all to my family.
No one said that juggling was easy, but if you take a few juggling pins out, then maybe you can smile and enjoy the life God has blessed you with!
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About the book:
How can a work-at-home mom raise kids, juggle a career and take care of family responsibilities with only 24-hour days? Working at home while raising kids and juggling a career and family responsibilities is no easy feat. Author and homeschooling mom Tricia Goyer shares her tips for finding balance among all your many hats as a mom. Balancing is a process and a journey, one that Tricia herself has yet to perfect. But between writing more than forty books, raising and homeschooling six kids, being a wife, and being active in her community, she has amassed valuable tips she shares in Balanced.
The book includes tips on:
-how to create focus themes for your family
-how to prioritize your schedule
-how to utilize your job so it also benefits your kids
-how to keep yourself out of the comparison game
-how to make working at home work for you
-and much more!
Purchase a copy, get a free downloadable workbook, and learn more at Tricia’s website.
Meet the author: USA Today best-selling author Tricia Goyer is the author of over 35 books, including the three-book Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series and Lead Your Family Like Jesus,(co-written with Ken Blanchard). She has written over 500 articles for national publications and blogs for high traffic sites like and She is the host of Living Inspired, a weekly radio show. Tricia and family live in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have six children.
You can find out more about Tricia at