Dear friends,
I hope this email newsletter finds you well and enjoying this summer with family and friends. Fortunately, the Oregon summer has been pleasant with cool nights, unlike what my family members are suffering through in the Texas heat. I’m so glad to be able to write to you and share all the latest news, especially considering I haven’t sent a newsletter in several months.
I’m excited, too, to tell you that I have a new, gorgeous website
created by the imaginative design team at Pulsepoint Design. I hope
you have an opportunity to pop over and take a look.(Or if you’re reading this on my blog, you’re looking at it!)
Also, this summer, my daughter will be traveling to Scotland with Teen Mania/Global Expeditions on a missionary trip. Please keep her and all that God wants to do there in your prayers.
New Release
Cranberry Hearts is now in bookstores everywhere, including Wal-Mart and Target. You can also go to my website and click on the links to purchase Cranberry Hearts at and pre-order Christmas
What will happen when three Massachusetts women’s journeys home lead them down dangerous paths?
Heart and health are on the line when Gerome Mays suspects Leiann
Hambrick of stealing from her grandfather, when Ty Lawrence’s past
shadows his future with Kayla Marceilo, and when Zane Baldwyn
discovers that Riley O’Hare’s brother’s death was no accident.
Will faith and love pull the women through the dangers?
Coming Soon
Christmas Homecoming will release in September of this year. It’s a
4-in-1 collection featuring stories from Elizabeth Ludwig, Paige
Winship Dooley and Debby Mayne and moi.
I dedicated my novella, O Christmas Tree, to my missionary daughter and I shared many of her experiences in South Africa in the story.
Soar to new heights in this inspirational Christmas romance collection where four females encounter love amid the Colorado Rockies.
A widowed grandmother, Carol Scheirer, is filled with angst, unsure that her family will accept the new man in her life. Wedding planner Noelle Evans wonders if the guy who once jilted her deserves a second chance.
Old letters put writer Christmas Scheirer at odds with the guardian of her grandfather’s estate. Missionary Holly Rivers finds she still has feelings for the man she left behind. Will mistletoe missives result in more than one Boulder bride?
You can view the book trailer here:Christmas Homecoming Book Trailer:
Remember to pray for Rachel. She leaves for Scotland this coming week with Global Expeditions.
Upcoming Titles
I recently signed a contract for the first book in a series. Disarming Andi–set on a de-comissioned missile site in North Dakota–releases in March 2010 with Heartsong Presents. Also, look for my cozy mystery,Portrait of a Murder, in the future.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to join me. I hope to share more
news in the near future. Please forward this newsletter to anyone you feel might be interested.
Many blessings to you and your family.
–Beth Goddard