Well, like several others in the CSFF blog tour, I didn’t receive Fearless in time to read and review for the tour. But I will review it, posting it here and at Dancing word.net where I occasionally post reviews.
Went to see Harry Potter because my daughter raved that it was the best one yet. I don’t know about you, but it seems that every time someone raves about a movie, they’re setting my expectations up too high. Then I’m always disappointed. I wasn’t disappointed with the movie, per se, but it wasn’t the “most awesome movie I’ve ever seen” as my daughter put it. It was about the same as the rest of the HP movies in my opinion.
One of the previews caught my attention –The Dark is Rising–because I’d written a few comments about Susan Cooper in an article called Dry Bones.
. . .“You don’t have to be a Christian to write fantasy.” He gave Susan Cooper as his example. She’s an atheist, but her stories reveal the ultimate and intrinsic battle between good and evil, light and darknes.
Walden Media is hosting a The Dark is Rising writing contest for those between the ages of 13 and 17.
In the next few weeks, I’ll be posting interviews with Susan Page Davis, Lisa Harris, Lena Nelson Dooley, Molly Bull. Be sure to check back!