Have you ever noticed that there are quite a few homeschooling moms who also write novels, many even published. I’m one of them. . .well not published (in novels anyway) but I homeschool several children and I write novels. I suppose that the love of books is just one reason many moms choose to homeschool their children.
Walls covered with overfilled bookshelves, books stacked against empty wall-space or piled high on top of the nightstand and next to it–these are some of the outward symptoms of the homeschooling-multi-children-novel-writing moms syndrome. Though I’m sure many homeschooling moms that don’t write novels have this same problem, they don’t suffer from the myriad of symptoms that plague the HMCNW moms.
HMCNW moms suffer through:
1) Guilt. Even though she’s jut spent hours devoting her attention to her children, she is still plagued with the overwhelming guilt that she’s taking time away from them by focusing on her writing endeavors.
2)Guilt. She’s devoted all of her energies to homeschooling and novel writing, but has no energy left to adequatly clean the house.
3)Guilt. Wouldn’t it be more important to do a sewing project with her daughter, or build a castle with the boys?
4)Strung out on caffeine
5)Perpetually tired
6)Wild swings between the two
7)Stacks of papers everywhere there is a flat spot and even on top of the books
8)Eyes glazed over because her mind continues to formulate her next scene or book idea.
9)Spending every extra penny on books
10)Guilt. Her children have to call her name 10 times because she’s in her “other world”.
11)Guilt. For sitting in bed staring at her laptop instead of floating around the house like June Cleaver.
I polled another HMCNW mom, Shannon McNear, to make sure I included most of the symptoms these poor women suffer. There is no cure when you’re called to homeschool your children and to write. You simply must stay the course and suffer through attempting to balance life upon an inadequate scale.
If you are a HMCNW or know one, I’d love to hear about symptoms that you’ve suffered not currently on my list.
When you read a novel written by a HMCNW mom, remember the heart of what’s gone into writing it.
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Shannon McNear
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