I have a friend who recently returned from India after a two week missions trip of sorts. She’d been invited to paint a mural on the inside of a large prayer temple and felt quite confidant that she along with her friends would be successful. I asked her about the experience to which she replied that she’d returned broken. Though she did not explain further on that count, she told me that India runs on different time than America does. They were there to paint for two full weeks, but the paint was not obtained until a week after they arrived. . .therefore they only had one week left to paint. Of course, they were not successful in the completion of the project–in their eyes. Yet, God had other plans. Other artists will contribute to the mural to create a collage of ideas and images.
That story spoke volumes to me as I wait on a project I’ve recently submitted. It is difficult living in our culture to wait on anything. Our desires are fulfilled instantly whether it’s microwave food or reaching someone on their cell while driving in the car–something in past years that would require you waited until you had access to a phone. The internet provides instant information and in many cases, much more up-to-date than the local library.
I had fully committed to devote myelf to my new writing project and forget about the recently submitted work, yet I find that impossible to do. Every day I open my email wondering if this will be the day I receive an answer. The impatience that lives within me has made itself known to me in hideous ways. . . .not only am I obssessed, I’m depressed.
I wonder how the Father sees me. My reactions are childish if nothing else. I have to wonder what He will create within me as I wait upon His timing.