I’m pleased to host my friend Vickie McDonough on my blog today! I enjoyed reading her answers to the short interview. I’m sure you will too. If you’d like to enter the drawing to receive a copy of her book, The Anonymous Bride, please comment below.
Bio: Vickie McDonough is an award-winning inspirational romance author, with 18 novels and novellas published. She was recently voted 3rd Favorite Author in Heartsong Present’s annual readers’ contest, and her book, Outlaw Heart, placed 2nd in the Favorite Historical Romance category. Vickie is currently the treasurer of ACFW and has written book reviews for nine years.
Blurb: Three mail-orders brides arrive in Lookout, Texas, each expecting to marry the local marshal. But—he didn’t order a bride. When a contest ensues to discover which bride will make him the best wife, there is a surprise fourth entry–an anonymous one. Mayhem occurs as the whole town tries to figure out who the anonymous bride is, and the mayor pressures the marshal to pick a bride or lose his job. Will Marshal Davis tuck tail and run for the hills? Or will he lose his heart and his bachelorhood?
How did you come up with the idea for this novel?
It first started as a “what if” question. What if a mail-order bride showed up in town, expecting to marry the local marshal, but what if he didn’t order her? Then my thoughts morphed a bit. What if three mail-order brides showed up to marry the poor, unsuspecting guy? How could something like that happen? And if it did, what would happen to the women? Then I thought, what if the town held a contest to see with gal would make him the best wife?
That’s pretty much how my idea for The Anonymous Bride originated. I just kept asking “what if” questions and making life harder for my hero.
Tell us about your hero’s journey.
Luke Davis left Lookout, Texas, eleven years ago, right after his fiancée up and married the town’s richest man. He drifted for a year, nursing his broken heart, and then he joined the army, thinking it would keep him away from most women. Now he’s back. He recently became a Christian and believes God has sent him home so that he can forgive the woman who broke his heart and finally put the past to rest. Then maybe he can get on with the rest of his life.
The heroine’s journey?
Rachel Hamilton made a terrible mistake years ago. Now Luke has returned, and she hopes he will forgive her for breaking his heart. But the man seems bent on avoiding her. Now that she’s a widow, she hoped that maybe they could have a second chance. At least she did—until Luke’s three mail-order brides arrived. What in the world is the man thinking?
Who is your favorite hero from books or movies?
From a movie, I’d have to say Indiana Jones. (Although I didn’t care for the second movie in that series) Harrison Ford is my favorite actor, and I love adventure movies. I like Indian Jones’ cocky attitude, fearless taste for adventure, and heart-stopping smile.
Who is the biggest hero in your personal life and why?
My dad is my personal hero. He grew up the youngest of ten kids in a very poor family. I remember him telling me that he sometimes had an onion sandwich for lunch, because that was all there was to eat. He worked hard and was known for having a good heart. He’d give anything he had to someone with a need. One time at church, a man complimented him on his suit coat, and Dad took it off and gave it to him. He wasn’t perfect, but he made me feel special, and I really miss him now that he’s gone.
What do you hope the reader learns from your hero and heroine?
That people can make huge mistakes, but God still loves them and cares about them. Also, my heroine has trouble with her daughter running wild, and feels like she’s not doing a good job. As a mother to four sons, I felt the same way many times. I hope this book will encourage frazzled moms.
If there was something in your life you could change, what would it be and why? I’d be thin.
Closing thoughts to your readers.
I never once thought about writing a book. Then stories started running through my mind like I was watching a movie. After writing my second book, I finally realized God was trying to get my attention. It still boggles my mind that I’ve written multiple books and even won awards for some of them. I want to encourage y’all to open your hearts and minds to God and let Him do something wonderful in your life. His dreams for you are far bigger than you can imagine.
Thank you, Vickie!!
After you comment to enter the drawing, visit Vickie’s websites:
Website: www.vickiemcdonough.com
I’m also post monthly on www.bustlesandspurs.com