Egad. Last weekend we decided to take the kids camping. Somehow with our busy schedules, we neglected to do that this summer. So we’re well into September now and off we went to the Oregon coast. It’s amazing the chill factor by the ocean.
We decided since this was to be concentrated family time we would declare it to be an electronic free weekend. My daughter, knowing this “rule”, pulled out her portable dvd player about halfway there. Scream.
As we approached the turn into to the campground, we noticed the wireless internet declaration added to the sign. My husband and I both looked at each other and agreed we were glad we hadn’t brought our computers.
I mean, what is a camping trip and family time, if everyone is staring at their own electronic device? We spent most of the time combing the beach. The Northern coast is mostly too dangerous to swim in, not to mention too cold. The kids just waded about ankle deep and ran from the waves as they came in from two different directions.
To me, the most fun was combing the beach during a low tide. We spotted starfish and all sorts of sea anenomes. Once I get the pictures uploaded, maybe I’ll have a chance to post some.
Next week is a very busy week. On Monday the CSFF Blog Tour (Christian Science Fiction Blog Tour) will be discussing Edenstar, a website devoted to clean science fiction and fantasy.
Also happening next week is the Annual American Christian Fiction Writer’s Confernce, which I will be attending. The next week I’ll be hosting Stephen Lawhead, or rather posting an interview on Favorite Pastimes. So, a busy schedule ahead!
Don’t forget to check back on Monday for more about Edenstar.