I have really enjoyed this week of blogging. Last week I stressed big time at even the thought of keeping up with all of the posts for the SFF blog tour, the Speculative Faith blog and Favorite Pastimes occuring this week. I wonder if it will be like this every month. Still, it wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as I thought it would be. It was more of a burden for me last week as I worried about it. That must be why the Lord tells us not to worry–the worrying is by far more painful than the actual experience. LOL
The interesting thing about all of it is how much I enjoyed writing about the Middle Ages on Favorite Pastimes. Not to mention that I was able to add in my love of fantasy to the discussion. What could be better? If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take some time to browse both of these awesome blogs: Speculative Faith and Favorite Pastimes.
Today I read Karen Hancock’s post and she linked to an awesome article at Charis Connection written by Angela Hunt. The post displayed some statistics that, for writers, can be very depressing. However, I read the entire post and when I read the last line, tears came to my eyes. It says this:
The result? A life of living by faith for finances, ideas, and opportunities. But isn’t that what the Christian walk is all about?
Since we’re going through a similar situation–making choices that will affect us financially, but that we must make if we’re to follow God’s call–her statemennt is exactly what I needed to hear, to know, for today. No worries!