The last few days have been interesting just in terms of my own personal revelation, which has left me with a strong sense of purpose—a desire to take my writing to a new level. I’m not talking about the craft, but rather in terms of the spiritual message.
The message I heard on Sunday spoke volumes to me about how we aren’t to thump the Bible at people and argue them to Jesus, but rather be so in tune with God’s heart, his voice, that we can speak into a person’s life just as Jesus did to the woman at the well when he told her everything she had done. There were others, too, that Jesus spoke to in that manner. If Jesus is the Word, He is the Vine, we are the branches. . then in a sense, we are to be the walking, living Word for people.
During prayer meeting last night, my heart cried out for all of the lost and lonely people who live in my small town, not to mention the world. Of course, one person can’t reach them all. . .but I can have an intimate relationship with God so that when he wants me to speak into someone’s life, or feed them or clothe them, I will hear His voice and do His work.
What does all of this have to do with writing? Well, writing is the thing He has called me to do outside of loving my family. It’s my prayer that God will work through my writing, and other’s writing, in such a way that we can touch the deepest part of the lost and lonely hearts—and not just in the Christian market. I’m not exactly sure how this is to be accomplished. Only God knows. But as for me, my heart burns with the desire to take things much deeper, hence, the change in my blog name.
God bless you!