Double Jeopardy in the publishing world?

Elizabeth GoddardUncategorized

While a writing buddy is increasing the notches on his writing ladder through personal rejection letters as noted on his blog, I received my SECOND rejection for a manuscript from the same publisher, effectively decreasng my notches on the writing ladder!

They’d rejected it last fall, so imagine my surprise when I received the second rejection. I’m just thankful that it did not occur on my already depressing birthday two days before. So I have to wonder—is there some sort of double jeopardy clause for the writing community? Of course, rejection is no crime, but I feel strongly that I would like the right to claim that I cannot be rejected twice!!!

Okay. Enough silliness. It was a simple mistake for which I do not blame the editor. I can only hope that I don’t receive anymore double rejections, making the writing ladder even more stressful to climb.

Onto more important matters. During the SFF (Science Fiction/Fantasy for those who don’t know) blog tour, I plan to include reviews of this year’s Christy nominated books, giving away the book, as well, to blog visitors!

So stay tuned.
