Fantasy Fiction Tour: Circles of Seven Review

Elizabeth GoddardUncategorized

This week I’m posting for the Fantasy Four Fiction Tour which includes authors, Wayne Thomas Batson, Chris Hopper, Bryan Davis, and Sharon Hinck. Way to go guys! Let’s make this genre a big part of the CBA! You can read more about the tour at

I’ve posted a book review of Circles of Seven by Bryan Davis that I wrote for dancingword in 2005.

In Circles of Seven, the third book in the Dragons in Our Midst Series, Bryan Davis continues his adventurous tales of dragons and their descendants in the spirit of Arthurian legend. Ancient knights of the New Table pursue Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver into the seven circles of life, beginning with the Garden of Eden. In each circle, or dimension, Billy must stay on the narrow path and follow the light, choosing wisely. If Billy is successful to pass through the circles and free the prisoners, he’ll fulfill the prophecy and be crowned King, heir to Arthur.

Davis supplies the reader with intriguing characters, all working together to assist Billy and Bonnie, each one willing to sacrifice for the others. Billy and Bonnie travel through the treacherous circles, which test their faith, bringing them to new levels of understanding truth and sacrifice.

At each scene and chapter ending, Davis leaves his characters in the midst of turmoil and the reader wanting more. Though I wasn’t certain a novel written for teens would keep my interest, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I’m eagerly looking forward to the next book in the series.
