Thank you for joining me for the 2016 CAN Scavenger Hunt!
I’m hosting the awesome Janet Bly. Let’s dive right in to learning more about her.
When did you learn you wanted to be a writer?
After my late husband, Stephen, graduated from seminary and was called as pastor to his first church, I wanted to search for my God-given task. That led me on a journey of trying all kinds of ministries within the church and activities out in the community, as well as taking classes and going to conferences. One of these was Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference in California. After several years I determined to pursue writing. I soon got articles, poems and fillers published. I describe this journey more in my book, Managing Your Restless Search. One day, while transcribing my husband’s sermons from tape to hardcopy for the congregation, I realized some of his stories and sermon themes could be edited as articles and short stories for magazines. I asked his permission to send them out, along with mine. When he began to receive acceptances, he began to focus on writing himself. We soon developed into a partnership.
You have written books, too. What are they?
I have authored and co-authored with Stephen 31 nonfiction and fiction books, plus been contributing author to five others. My book titles include The Hidden West Series, The Carson City Chronicles, Awakening Your Sense of Wonder, Hope Lives Here and The Heart of a Runaway. My three married sons and I finished Stephen’s last novel, Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot, as a family project. Can a committee write fiction? We had the passion and a four-month deadline to find out. Read more about this story here:
What lesson has God taught you recently?
When I lost my husband there seemed to be things left undone, unsaid, and unanswered. No complete and satisfying end to his story or our journey together. Threads left hanging stretched beyond my sight. I’ve since realized we are all in the middle of stories. It may take eternity to see the full plot, to get the right point of view for scenes that puzzle us here. I know I must trust God about mine. Most times I do, especially when I consider this verse: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8,9 NKJV).
What you are working on now?
Wind in the Wires, Book 1, Trails of Reba Cahill Series was released over a year ago. I’m working on Book 2, Down Squash Blossom Road now. Hoping for a September release. In both of the stories a squash blossom necklace provides either a pivotal scene and/or evidence in these contemporary western mysteries.
Reba Mae Cahill’s squash blossom necklace originates from the Silver Peak and Goldfield, Nevada region. Nevada turquoise comes in various shades of blue, blue-green, green-blue, and green, all of which are considered valuable. While most turquoise jewelry is set in silver, the squash blossom necklace introduced in The Trails of Reba Cahill series is made of gold and turquoise. It assesses at almost priceless value. It also plays a prominent part of the mystery and intrigue of the plot.
Excerpt from contemporary western mystery Wind in the Wires…
He reached into his pocket and handed her a slip of paper.
Keep it, Reba was tempted to scream. She wanted nothing to do with her mother. No matter what, she wouldn’t change her mind. She refused to take a slow boat to anywhere. Or a snail’s pace Model T car trip to the desert. She gaped at the folded note, not much larger than a man’s thumb, as though torn from a scratch pad. Whatever the words, they could not begin to make up for years of silence. Of abandonment.
Why bother? Why deepen the wound?
A cowgirl searches for love and family.
An old man seeks justice for two cold case murders.
They take a journey together that exposes lies and betrayal.
Will the truth be too hard for either to bear?
Wind in the Wires by Janet Chester Bly is a contemporary western mystery.
It’s a road adventure with a touch of romance.
Some call it Cowgirl Lit.
Janet Chester Bly is the widow of award-winning western author Stephen Bly. His, hers, and theirs—they published over 120 fiction and nonfiction books for adults and kids. She is a city girl with a country heart who lives on top a mountain in north-central Idaho on the Nez Perce Indian Reservation. For the CAN Scavenger Hunt she’s giving a free paperback copy of Wind in the Wires. See more about the book here:
Also, you may download now five free chapters of Wind in the Wires:
Connect with Janet Chester Bly at …
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Next stop Janet Bly’s Blog. Hop on over AND GET your next clue while you read about another author! Happy hunting!
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~~~~~~~BONUS MATERIAL~~~~~~~
I’m offering my own drawing here at my blog. Sign up for Great Escapes Newsletter HERE to be entered in the drawing for ALL SIX Mountain Cove books! Digital books only for Kindle, Nook or ePub! My drawing will coincide with the CAN Scavenger Hunt.